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Next Online Auction October 5th 2024


We have done away with the wait list and opened the opportunity to get our wooly donkeys to everyone in a formal online auction platform.

This year we have added select consigned donkeys from other established wooly breeders.


We do REQUIRE that our

donkeys to go to a home with another DONKEY

Click here to find out WHY


Trips Planned with transport options:




Lot 1

CbarChass Buster's Morning Storm

Located in Hinton, WV

Brown and White Spotted wooly Jack
DOB: 21 Aug, 2021
Height: immature

CbarChass Buster Gene, 32" dk brown/wht spot wooly

CP's Buster Blue, 33 " gray/wht

CP's Dynamite, 32" dk brown MSF
CP's Blue Bell, 32" gray dun
Gardner's Rosaine B., 31" brown/wht spot Heiken's Ark Kennedy, 31.5" black/wht spot
BJ Kendell 191, 32.5" gray dun
Emerald Ridge Aria Freska, 33" dark gray dun wooly MGF Goliath, 32.5" gray/wht spot WOOLY MGF Stoli Too, 32" gray/wht spot WOOLY
Ark Park Acres Rainbow's Goldie, 33" brown WOOLY
Lil' Donkey Dew Freska, 32" dk brown NLPWOOLY Ark Park Acres Clint Black, 34.5" black NLP WOOLY
Ark Park Acres Pepsi, 33 " dk brown WOOLY


Info and Care Sheet
DOB: Aug 21, 2024 Birth Height: 19" Current Height:
Gender: intact jack, can be gelded at not charge Color: brown/gray spotted Bite: perfect
Vaccines Given: EEE/WEE/Tetanus/Flu/Rhino/Rabies/West Nile
Training Halters: Yes Leads: Yes Farrier: Yes Brushing: Yes Other: fly spray
DNA Parent Verification: not available Registration: ADMS MDR Available for Export: Yes


Stormy is an extremly sweet and gentle young wooly herdsire. He has just started breeding jennets, but does not yet have any foals on the ground. Stormy is easy to handle and can be pastured with jennets making him a good jack for someone new to breeding donkeys. He has the genetics to produce those sought after dark spots.

We originally added this jack to our line-up because he has really amazing wooly donkeys in his pedigree. His sire did well in shows and is unique to the wooly world. His dam's lines go back to older and now hard to find Ark Park Acres donkeys which had some of the wooliest donkeys. His grandsire, MGF Goliath, is a full brother to our first wooly herdsire, MGF Gorky Park, who now resides in Australia. Tons of fantastic wooly donkeys in his pedigree.

We have added three new jacks to our farm and need to make more room for them so someone lucky gets a chance at this fabulous new jack ready to serve your jennets immediately.

Stormy is owned by Tara Pilonero from Stay A While Farm in Hinton, WV. He needs to be picked up in Hinton, WV.

Ready to ship at time of auction unless you want him gelded before he leaves.

Available Oct 5th in our online auction

Click here to link to Auction Page (must register to bid)


Lot 2

KZ Jessa Powder Puff

Located in Wantage, NJ


MGF Doctor Shivago, 32.25" dark brown spotted WOOLY

Arrow Creek Harry Houdini, 34" black wooly

Arrow Creek Hudini, 30" black with cross CURLY coat
L&G Farm Miss Corinda , 34" Gray
MGF Venus la Rimsky-Korsakov, 33" dark brown spotted Circle C Black Russian, 31" black with cross NLP
MGF Venus La Sylphide, 33" spotted
KZ Jessa Jitterbug, 32" dark brown semi-WOOLY Dewey Meadows Primo, 32" dk brown spotted Dewey Meadows Valentino, 32.75" dk brown spotted
Dewey Meadows Victoria, 33" very dk brown
KZ Jessamax of LN, 32" dark brown NLP semi-wooly Spotted Acres Maxx, 32.5" black NLP
LN Jetta Jo Black, black with cross NLP wooly lines


Info and Care Sheet
DOB: 14 April, 2024 Birth Height: Current Height: 27.75"
Gender: jennet Color: spotted, MSF, roan Bite: perfect
Vaccines Given: EEE/WEE/Tetanus
Training Halters: yes Leads: yes Farrier: yes Brushing: no Other:
DNA Parent Verification: not available Registration: ADMS MDR Available for Export: yes


This one was a hard one to offer. Born pink and white with a big white mask now she is turning a gray roan under her baby fuzz. She is super wooly to boot. Long lines of wooly genes and neat coloring on this girl.

Powder Puff is consigned by Kim Zellers from KZ ASSpiration Acres in Wantage, NJ. She needs to be picked up in Wantage, NJ.

Ready to ship at time of auction.

Available Oct 5th in our online auction

Click here to link to Auction Page (must register to bid)



Lot 3

BBA Heavens to Betsy

Located in Bucyrus, OH


Bainbridge's Big Bang, dark brown WOOLY

Donkette Korral Cegarr, 29" dark brown spotted wooly

Donkette Korral Granite, 29.75" black spotted semi-wooly
Donkette Korral Aspen, 30.75" dark brown
Gardner's Doris Dee, 30.75" brown Circle H Exotics Red, 32" red
Riverdale Exotics April, 33" gray
KZ Malibu Bay Breeze, 32" black spotted WOOLY MGF Doctor Shivago, 32.5" dark brown spotted wooly Arrow Creek Harry Houdini, 34" black wooly
MGF Venus la Rimsky-Korsakov, 33" dark brown spotted wooly
MGF Xanadu, 34" black semi-wooly MGF Homer, 34" black
MGF Venus Zwilla, 35" black wooly


Info and Care Sheet
DOB: 9 June, 2024 Birth Height: 22" Current Height:
Gender: jennet Color: red spotted, roan Bite:
Vaccines Given:
Training Halters: yes Leads: yes Farrier: yes Brushing: yes Other: fly spray
DNA Parent Verification: Registration: ADMS ADR Available for Export:


This sweet jenny is a one in a million. Her eye lashes are white so not sure what color she will mature to. There's gray, black, and red hair with roaning. Her pedigree speaks for itself.

Heavens to Betsy is consigned by Wendy Blamer from Buckeye Braying Acres in Bucyrus, OH. She needs to be picked up in Bucyrus, OH.

Ready to ship in early November.

Available Oct 5th in our online auction

Click here to link to Auction Page (must register to bid)




Lot 4

KZ Dawn's Morning Glory

Located in Wantage, NJ


MGF Dr. Shivago, 32.25" dark brown spotted WOOLY

Arrow Creek Harry Houdini, 34" black wooly

Arrow Creek Hudini, 30" black with cross CURLY coat
L&G Farm Miss Corinda , 34" Gray
MGF Venus la Rimsky-Korsakov, 33" dark brown spotted Circle C Black Russian, 31" black with cross NLP
MGF Venus La Sylphide, 33" spotted
KZ Delta Dawn, 33" gray spotted WOOLY (ADR registered) untraced  


Info and Care Sheet
DOB: 11 May, 2024 Birth Height: Current Height: 27.75"
Gender: jennet Color: brown spotted Bite: perfect
Vaccines Given: EEE/WEE/Tetanus
Training Halters: yes Leads: yes Farrier: yes Brushing: no Other:
DNA Parent Verification: not available Registration: ADMS ADR Available for Export: no


This little gem is wooly and has a very dark mutation spot. She is super sweet and in your back pocket. Mom is a very pretty gray and white spotted wooly, and sire is almost black and white wooly. She will be an asset to the wooly genetics out there.

Morning Glory is consigned by Kim Zellers from KZ ASSpiration Acres in Wantage, NJ. She needs to be picked up in Wantage, NJ.

Ready to ship at time of auction.

Available Oct 5th in our online auction

Click here to link to Auction Page (must register to bid)




Lot 5

SAW Otter

Located in Hinton, WV

SAW Midnight Snicker'Snack , 30.5", dark brown WOOLY

N&D's Lonestar Snickers, 29.5" dk brown WOOLY

EA Dr. Donovan , 28.5" black
N&D's Lonestar Lorna, 31.75" dark brown

Treworlas Magics Beauty, 32.5" brown NLP WOOLY

Spring Lake Black Magic, 31.5" black with cross
Ma & Pa's Black Beauty, 33.5" very dk brown NLP
Amore Barbie's Brooke, 34.5" very dark brown spotted WOOLY

GM Conrad's Coaltrain, 33 " very dark brown NLP

GM Conrad's Straight Up , dark brown
GM Conrad's Tamarack , 34" brown

D&D Bonnie's Barbie, 32.5"gray spotted MSF WOOLY

D&D Daisy's Dandy, 31" brown and white spot MSF
D&D Beauty's Bonnie , 33.5" brown gray/wht spot


Info and Care Sheet
DOB: April 11, 2024 Birth Height: 22.5" Current Height: 28.5" @ 5 mos
Gender: intact jack, can be gelded at no charge Color: very dark brown Bite: perfect
Vaccines Given: EEE/WEE/Tetanus/Flu/Rhino/West Nile
Training Halters: Yes Leads: Yes Farrier: Yes Brushing: Yes Other: fly spray
DNA Parent Verification: Available for extra fee Registration: ADMS MDR Available for Export: Yes

Otter is as friendly and easy going as they come as are all of Brooke's foals. He is already doing well on halter at 4 months old. His dam retains some long hair year round even in her teens. All of her foals have been very wooly. His hair will get significantly longer over the winter. He is nice enough to be a herd sire prospect. We also offer free gelding before leaving if you are only wanting a pet. He does require another donkey companion as a gelding (ideally another young gelding). If planning to use him as a herdsire you must already have at least 2 jennets over the age of 2 years old to purchase him intact.

Otter is owned by Tara Pilonero from Stay A While Farm in Hinton, WV. He needs to be picked up in Hinton, WV.

More current photos coming soon!!

Ready to ship at time of auction.

Available Oct 5th in our online auction

Click here to link to Auction Page (must register to bid)


Lot 6

Copper Star's R. Redford

Located in Fairfield, PA

Copper Star's Red Stradivarius Violin, 29" dark red

Cabinwood's Michelangelo, 30.25" ivory (BEW)

Dogwood Hills Quicksilver, 30.25" ivory (BEW)
Furball Acres Mon Ami, 31.25" ivory (BEW)

Copper Star's Maureen O'Hara, 29 " dark red

Donkette Korral Red Rock, 30.25" red
MGF Venus White Raven 524, 33.75" frosted spotted white semi-WOOLY
Copper Star's Hurricane Irma, 28" frosted spotted white semi-WOOLY

Donkette Korral Red Rock, 30.25" red

Donkette Korral's Fireball, 31" dark red
Hill's Haven Josie, 32"dark brown spotted

MGF Venus White Raven 524, 33.75" frosted spotted white semi-WOOLY

GP Peanut, 32.5" brown spotted
MGF Venus Lenore 4, 33" gray dun


Info and Care Sheet
DOB: July 1, 2023 Birth Height: Current Height: 26.5" @ 14 mos
Gender: intact jack Color: light red Bite: perfect
Vaccines Given: EEE/WEE/Tetanus/Flu/Rhino/West Nile
Training Halters: Y Leads: Y Farrier: Y Brushing: Y Other:
DNA Parent Verification: Available for extra fee Registration: ADMS MDR Available for Export: Y

R. Redford is a consummate gentleman. Emily kept him back a year to see how he would mature and he has not disappointed. He is very stocky and well put together. His pedigree speaks for itself with a variety of reds, spots, ivory, and FSW. He carries the GP Peanut wooly line through his great grand-dam, MGF Venus White Raven.

R.Redford is consigned by Emily Hoponick from Copper Star Farm in Fairfield, PA. He needs to be picked up in Fairfield, PA.

Ready to ship at time of auction.

Available Oct 5th in our online auction

Click here to link to Auction Page (must register to bid)


Lot 7

BBA Bray Kin Bad

Located in Bucyrus, OH


MMA Happy Go Lucky, very dark brown spotted WOOLY

The Elms Mr Patches, brown spotted wooly

The Elms Fuzzy Wuzzy, 30.75" black spotted wooly
The Elms Little Patches, 30.25" brown spotted semi-wooly
MGF Shagri-La, 33.25" black NLP wooly MGF Doctor Shivago, 32.5" dark brown spotted wooly
MGF Xanadu, 34" black semi-wooly
Heiken's Ark Beatrice M, 33.25" very dark brown NLP McLendon's 45 Magnum, 29.75" very dark brown McLendon's Rad Reniker, 33" dark gray
McLendon's Shining White Pearl, 29.5" gray
Kota's Bee A Doll, 31.5" brown NLP Kota's Mr Mischief, 31" gray
Kota's Bar Bee, 32.5" dark brown


Info and Care Sheet
DOB: 26 June, 2024 Birth Height: 22.24 Current Height:
Gender: intact jack Color: spotted Bite:
Vaccines Given:
Training Halters: yes Leads: yes Farrier: yes Brushing: yes Other: fly spray
DNA Parent Verification: Registration: ADMS ADR Available for Export:


This jack foal is very friendly and one of a kind. His dam always produces very wooly foals that retain a lot of long hair. Wendy believes this foal will be black and white or very dark brown at the least. He is putting on more hair every day.

Bray Kin Bad is consigned by Wendy Blamer from Buckeye Braying Acres in Bucyrus, OH. He needs to be picked up in Bucyrus, OH.

Ready to ship in late November.

Available Oct 5th in our online auction

Click here to link to Auction Page (must register to bid)




Lot 8

KZ Shivago's Patchwork

Located in Wantage, NJ


MGF Doctor Shivago, 32.25" dark brown spotted WOOLY

Arrow Creek Harry Houdini, 34" black wooly

Arrow Creek Hudini, 30" black with cross CURLY coat
L&G Farm Miss Corinda , 34" Gray
MGF Venus la Rimsky-Korsakov, 33" dark brown spotted Circle C Black Russian, 31" black with cross NLP
MGF Venus La Sylphide, 33" spotted
H.R. Hope, 32" dark brown spotted Stoney Acres Salem, 33" black NLP MGF Future Link, 32" black with cross
Circle C Audi, 33.25" black
Ma & Pa's Libby, 33" gray spotted Happytime Acres Pete Za, 30" dark red
Janridge Consuelo, gray dun


Info and Care Sheet
DOB: April 20, 2024 Birth Height: Current Height: 27"
Gender: intact jack Color: black spotted Bite: perfect
Vaccines Given: EEE/WEE/Tetanus
Training Halters: yes Leads: yes Farrier: yes Brushing: no Other:
DNA Parent Verification: not available Registration: ADMS MDR Available for Export: yes


This little boy was born semi-wooly, and will most likely be a straight hair, but look at his coloring! He is black and white spotted. Sire and dam are the carriers of that gene, what a color he will be!

Patchwork is consigned by Kim Zellers from KZ ASSpiration Acres in Wantage, NJ. He needs to be picked up in Wantage, NJ.

Ready to ship at time of auction.

Available Oct 5th in our online auction

Click here to link to Auction Page (must register to bid)




Lot 9

SAW Bonnie's Clyde

Located in Hinton, WV

N&D's Lonestar Skeeter, 28.5", gray WOOLY

Arrow Creek Cowboy , 28", gray spotted

Arrow Creek Kostas, 31.5" gray spotted
B&J Little Jubilee , 30.25 " gray
N&D's Lonestar Sassy, 30" black N&D's Lonestar Judge Roy Bean , 31.5" gray spotted
Gee Haw's Annie C, 32.5" gray
Rowdy Moon Bonnie, 31.5", brown WOOLY Red Mountain Sparticus , 30" red Ass-Pirin Acres Andiamo , 30.5", red
My World T's Ultimate Girl, 32", dark red
Sunny G's Betty Jo, 32.75", dark brown Short ASSets War Emblem , 29.75", very dark brown
Subra's Barbie Doll, 31", gray


Info and Care Sheet
DOB: June 2, 2024 Birth Height: 20" Current Height:
Gender: intact jack, can be gelded at not charge Color: dark brown Bite: perfect
Vaccines Given: EEE/WEE/Tetanus will be started at 4 mos
Training Halters: Yes Leads: Yes Farrier: Yes Brushing: Yes Other: fly spray
DNA Parent Verification: Available for extra fee Registration: ADMS MDR Available for Export: Yes


Clyde is a small & very wooly boy that may mature micro sized. His hair is only just starting to come in and he will get MUCH woolier over the winter. He has a lot of red tones in his brown coat. This boy has a very unique pedigree for a wooly which can be crossed with virtually all other wooly jennets you will ever find. His sire has produced true black and his dam has produced reds so the background genetics are there for him to be a great color producer with tons of small donkeys throughout his pedigree. Clyde is a sweet boy that enjoys attention.

Clyde is owned by Tara Pilonero from Stay A While Farm in Hinton, WV. He needs to be picked up in Hinton, WV.

More current photos coming soon!

He will be ready to ship early November.

Available Oct 5th in our online auction

Click here to link to Auction Page (must register to bid)




Lot 10

Trpl A's Johnny Ringo

Located in Kipling, SK, Canada

Copper Star's Wodrow F Call LD, 30.5" gray spotted semi-WOOLY

Copper Star's MGFetrinelli Editore, 31.5" gray spotted WOOLY

MGF Dr Shivago, 32.25" dark brown spotted WOOLY
MGF Venus White Raven 524, 33.75" frosted spotted white semi-WOOLY

BAR 3S Cindy Sue, 32" brown/gray dun

BAR 3S Tater Tot, 30" red
Gardner's Tempest, 33.25" gray dun
Blue Grass Ivy, 33" ivory (BEW)

B.J. Mr Blue Eyes, ivory (BEW)

B.J. Livingston, ivory (BEW)
B.J. Jeanne, ivory (BEW)

Mery-Go-Rounds Miss Khaki, 33.5" ivory (BEW)

Arch Duke VanBlankenship, "ivory (BEW)
Merry-Go-Rounds Bimbee, "ivory (BEW)


Info and Care Sheet
DOB: March 15, 2024 Birth Height: Current Height: 27" @ 5.5mos
Gender: intact jack Color: dark brown Bite: slight overbite
Vaccines Given: EEE/WEE/Tetanus/Rhino/Flu/West Nile
Training Halters: Y Leads: Y Farrier: Y Brushing: Y, & fly spray Other: DNA E/e, N/LH1
DNA Parent Verification: Available for extra fee Registration: ADMS MDR and CDMA eligible Available for Export: Y

Johnny Ringo is a very loving friendly weanling jack. He will make a great herd sire with his temperament, conformation, and color diversity. Ringo's DNA consists of BEW (from his dam), NLP (homozygous NLP sire), and DNA test shows he has red gene as well as the Poitou long hair gene (from his sire). He is also CDMA registerable.

This boy is a win-win & a rare find. Johnny has everything Gloria personally was looking for in a herd sire; a wooly, red , NLP, & ivory genetics. He comes from some prominent wooly bloodlines starting with his sire going back to MGF Dr Shivago lines & GP Peanut line through MGF White Venus on his dam's side. He carries some of the most sought after ivory lines including Merry-Go_Round's, Arch Duke Blankenship, & B.J. lines.

Johnny Ringo is consigned by Gloria Kish from Triple A Minis in Saskatchewan, CANADA. He needs to be picked up in Saskatchewan, CANADA. Buyers in the US will be responsible for import fees/taxes.

Ready to ship at time of auction.

Available Oct 5th in our online auction

Click here to link to Auction Page (must register to bid)


Lot 11

SAW Plato

Located in Hinton, WV

SAW Midnight Snicker'Snack, 30.5" dark brown WOOLY

N&D's Lonestar Snickers, 29.5", dk brown WOOLY

EA Dr. Donovan , 28.5", black
N&D's Lonestar Lorna, 31.75" dark brown
Treworlas Magics Beauty, 32.5" brown NLP WOOLY Spring Lake Black Magic, 31.5" black with cross
Ma & Pa's Black Beauty, 33.5" very dk brown NLP
SAW Jane Dough, 32" brown semi-WOOLY Arrow Creek Tracer , 32.25" black NLP WOOLY  Arrow Creek Black Jack, 31.5" black with cross NLP
Arrow Creek Traci, 32" gray WOOLY
Furball Acres Tabatha , 32.25" gray spotted ivory carrier semi-WOOLY Lil' Longears Casper , 33.5" blue eyed white
ACS Jackie , 31" dark brown spot


Info and Care Sheet
DOB: May 26, 2024 Birth Height: Current Height:
Gender: intact jack, can be gelded at not charge Color: very dark brown NLP Bite: perfect
Vaccines Given: EEE/WEE/Tetanus will be started at 4 mos
Training Halters: Yes Leads: Yes Farrier: Yes Brushing: Yes Other: fly spray
DNA Parent Verification: Available for extra fee Registration: ADMS MDR Available for Export: Yes


This extremely dark brown NLP jack is a full brother to Little Debbie who was exported to Australia. He is equally as nice as her and he will get significantly more wooly as the winter progresses. He also has a unique pedigree for a wooly in that he does not have any of the more common MGF lines so he can be crossed with almost all the wooly jennets you will find. He will make a great herd sire prospect or a sweet pet gelding.

Stormy is owned by Tara Pilonero from Stay A While Farm in Hinton, WV. He needs to be picked up in Hinton, WV.

More current photos coming soon!

Ready to ship early November.

Available Oct 5th in our online auction

Click here to link to Auction Page (must register to bid)




About our Donkey Sales

*All of Stay A While Farm donkeys are well socialized and handled daily. They are all used to seeing our dogs, cattle, chickens, and cats.

*Gelding services are offered before leaving at no additional cost to you on any jack from Stay A While Farm if preferred. This service is not offered on consigned donkeys unless otherwise stated by the consigning farm/owner.

*Stay A While Farm donkeys are all vaccinated annually, dewormed regularly, and have thier feet trimmed every 6-10 weeks (or more often if needed especially if young). Their health and happiness is our top priority. Consigners are expected to provide the same level of care.

*We will not sell single donkeys to homes that do not have other another appropriate donkey as a buddy. They are much happier animals and better pets if they have a donkey friend. Single donkeys develop very unpleasent behavioral issues even when kept with other livestock. Stay A While Farm will cancel your bid and remove you from future auctions if you cannot provide an appropriate donkey companion for your purchase.

*All of our donkeys are sold with a new halter, lead rope, health records, registration or transfer papers, information on how to care for your donkey(s), and assorted other donkey information. All donkeys sold will have a Coggins test and Health Certificate provided if needed. Consigners are expected to do the same.

*We can accept cash, wire transfers, checks, Paypal, Venmo, and Square (add 3% to sales price for Paypal, Venmo, and Square payments). All payments are in USD.

*All donkeys must be paid for in full before leaving the farm. Funds must clear before donkeys leave.

*We will happily help you arrange for shipping nationally or internationally, but we do not provide shipping for you unless otherwise discussed. Shipping expenses are the buyer's responsiblity.

*If we do not have what you want we can either help you find your donkey(s) or you can be placed on our email sales notification list. We are always happy to help.

*Visitors are always welcome. Contact us for an appointment. Questions are always welcome. We love to talk donkey...even if we don't sell you one of ours.

Jacks (intact males) are NOT pets:

A jack has all the impulses to perpetuate the species and the intelligence and strength to over power rivals - including you. IF YOU ARE NOT MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY CAPABLE OF HANDLING THESE RULES - Don't keep a jack intact! Geldings make great and safe pets.

We do not sell jacks to homes that do not already have at least 2 jennets over the age of 2 years old. Any attempt to purchase a jack without these provisions will result in a cancelled sale.



Tara Pilonero

(304) 466-4422 landline

(540) 750-6315 cell


Hinton, WV


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